Tuesday, 3 November 2009

True or False?

Pentru cei care asculta stirile politice, nu ar trebui sa fie o surpriza. E campanie prezidentiala si multi dintre candidatii pentru postul de pres se intrec intre campanii de bun simt, atacuri perfide si dezinformari de principiu.

Crin cel finutz a inceput sa contraatace ideea unui parlament unicameral, sustinand ca, din 2012 (sau 2013, nu mai stiu exact), toate statele membre ale Uniunii Europene vor fi obligate sa aiba parlamente bicamerale .

Din categoria Ba p'a m*tii, va prezint rezultatul unei bune informari. Cu dedicatie din partea Biroului de Informare al Comisiei Europene, raspunsul oficial la intrebarea "E adevarat ca...?":


Dear Mr Vigilentul,

We acknowledge receipt of your message and in answer to your question we would like to tell you, that there is no EU law specifying the number of parliamentary chambers in the national legislature in the EU member states, as this is subject to national laws. For further information about the form of government in the different EU member states, please contact the countries concerned.

For information about individual member states, we suggest that you contact the competent authorities of the countries you are interested in. You will find contact information on the website "EU Member States" at the following address:
We sincerely hope that the information provided will be of use to you.
With kind regards,
EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre
www.europa.eu - your shortcut to the EU!
Voice your opinion on the EU
Please note: We will try to ensure that you receive the information requested, or to direct you to an appropriate source. However, we are unable to comment on specific issues pertaining to EU policy, and information provided by EUROPE DIRECT may not be considered as legally binding.

-----Original Message-----
From: "EDCC"
Sent: 30 October 2009 16:37
To: "cc_structured@edcc.ec.europa.eu"
Subject: clarify this situation, please

1. Name : Vigilentul
2. E-Mail : Nu ati vrea sa stiti.
3. Country of residence : Romania
4. Nationality : Romanian
5. Gender : M
6. Age : 18-24
7. Economic category : Student, Trainee, Researcher, etc
8. Postal Information :
8.1 Street :
8.2 Town :
8.3 Postal Code :
8.4 Country :
8.5 Telephone :
9. Preferred Language for Response : English
9.1 Alternative language for answer - 1 : Romanian
9.2 Alternative language for answer - 2 : English
10.1 Miscellaneous - 1 :
10.2 Miscellaneous - 2 :
10.3 Miscellaneous - 3 :
10.4 Miscellaneous - 4 :
11. Origin : EDCC
12. Subject: clarify this situation, please
13. Question:

I am a Romanian student and, though I am not politically involved, I follow the political activity in my country. As you may know, we are currently in the Presidential Campaign. As well, the current President, Mr. Basescu, called for a referendum on November 22nd, on the same day as the first voting round.

The referendum is about cutting down the number of MP in the Romanian Parliament and about the possibility of making it a Unicameral Parliament as well.

One of the other presidential candidates insists that the European Commission introduced a directive that ALL the European countries' Parliaments should be Bicameral.

Until now, I haven't found anything regarding such a directive. Will you please point out where I can find it or anything closely related to it. It will help with the debate we are having at school.

Thank you.
14. End of message.


Da, am folosit timpul trecut. Acum am trimis inca o intrebare Biroului de Informare al Comisiei Europene, pentru a acoperi si viitorul apropiat.
Da, am incercat sa trimit la ziare, dar nu vor cu nici un chip sa publice aceste informatii.

Si, da, multumesc de comentarii. Coming soon cu partea a II-a


  1. eu stiu ca e o recomandare ca parlamentul sa fie bicameral, o camera pentru probleme interne, alta pentru cele externe, europene, dar totul e negociabil...

  2. Nu m-am documentat in privinta asta dar am impresia ca tu ai intrebat despre ceva situatia de acum in timp ce Antonescu vorbeste de o directiva din viitor.

  3. @Cosmin

    Adică Antonescu vede în viitor (as in Nostradamus && Back to the future). Înc-un motiv pentru care să fie ales, nu ?

  4. Tu ai intrebat daca a fost introdusa deja o directiva, ai folosit TIMPUL TRECUT ! :P

  5. ar trebui sa dai un forward la un ziar or something.. :)

  6. Priete,
    Esti bun. Ai avut o idee care te plaseaza deasupra a doi candidati la alegerile prezindentiale, clasati in primele 3 pozitii. Keep working...

  7. dar poate (ca) crin candideaza la fonctzia de presedinte al evropii si vrea sa impuna o astfel de directiva
